There are many ways to give that will have a lasting impact on our students

Online: Secure online donations can be made by clicking here.

Phone: Contact Craig Fiedler at: (651) 771-8494 ext. 34

Mail: Mail gifts to St. Jerome School, 384 Roselawn Ave., Maplewood, MN 55117

Annual Fund

The Annual Fund is a means by which alumni, parents, friends, businesses and foundations can make a voluntary, tax-deductible gift to the school. A gift to the St. Jerome’s Annual Fund, regardless of the amount, shows commitment and belief in mission of St. Jerome School.

Tuition Assistance Gifts: These funds allow individuals to attend St. Jerome School by providing tuition aid to families in need. 

Memorials and Scholarships: A gift of any amount may be made to St. Jerome School in memory or in honor of another person. Contributions are tax deductible and arrangements are finalized in accordance with the wishes of the donor.

Matching Gifts: Many companies, subsidiaries and corporate foundations in the United States currently match their employees’ gifts to non-profit organizations such as St. Jerome School. If your company matches charitable gifts, your employer will provide you with the necessary form to send in with your gift.

Planned Giving: Because Planned Giving gifts are of such a size that they are not given spontaneously, they require “planning” and often are transmitted to St. Jerome School through a legal instrument such as a will or trust.  Planned Giving includes wills and bequests, endowment funds, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts, and donor advised funds. The Advancement Office will be happy to assist you in matters of planned giving.

Endowment Fund Gifts: Endowment Fund gifts guarantee the long-term viability of the school by providing an ongoing source of funds for academic programs, tuition assistance, capital improvements, and for retaining highly qualified faculty and staff.

Gifts-In-Kind:  Gifts of equipment, furniture, or services relieve pressure on school budgets by providing needed resources without requiring capital outlay from the school

Pro Bono Gifts:  Gifts of time and talent provide the school with expert professional services at little or no cost.

Restricted Gifts and Grants:  These donations are restricted by the donor to a specific department or program.

Please contact Craig Fiedler in the Advancement Office by email: or by calling: 651-771-8494 if you have any questions.